Looking for this? The XXX TLD sets expectations like no other TLD — this is my attempt at fulfilling them.

I recently revisited this project after three years of no development. In 2014 I created the site with Middleman — it used Haml, CoffeeScript, and SCSS, and required a command line tool to output a few static files. I rewrote the site as a single index.html file with 150 lines, and reduced the video payload from ~7mb to under 1mb using H.264 — it even works on mobile now in case you need to watch on-the-go.

Are you?

Removing all the complexity I layered on in 2014 was a lesson in how quickly “best practices” and my own ideas about them move on.

The type color effect is inspired by the credits in Enter The Void, and the video was originally created for another project, and inspired by Andy Warhol eating a burger.