I just like making websites. I’m a staff product designer at Datadog. Before that I worked at Glitch, Genius, and thoughtbot. I live in New York.

Dashboards anchor the Datadog experience

I led design on a new dashboard layout system. Dashboards are Datadog’s most used feature. The new release contains dozens of quality-of-life improvements over the previous dashboard solutions and enables users to create complex layouts in a fraction of the time.

Most of our competitors use React-Grid-Layout but we built a layout system from the ground up that enables our dashboards to have complex grouping, responsive behavior, and usability improvements.You can watch me talk more about it here.

At Glitch I helped debut the paid product

Glitch (glitch.com) is a fun, approachable tool for making websites. I focused on designing and coding features for the code editor, which is where users spend most of their time, as well as product-wide features like navigation and the design system.

The last big project I worked on was designing the paid product: Boosted Apps. You can read about it here. I worked on everything: the UX, branding, and even the marketing material.

I haven’t written about most of my Glitch work yet. As a substitute, here are some of the more fun-looking things I’ve designed:

I was the Product Design Lead at Genius
Genius is the world’s biggest lyrics platform, and more. I worked there for 5 years and touched every page and feature. I even wrote the styleguide for how CSS and markup should be written. See more of my work here.
Sound Check is a feature I designed for Tuple, a pair programming app
The Tuple team (tuple.app) asked me to design a quick, convenient way for users to check their mic, speaker, and webcam settings. Tuple is different from most video conference apps because there are only two participants in a call, and the one sharing their screen doesn’t see any UI by default. I analyzed similar apps and made a proposal based on Tuple’s unique constraints. The final design includes the Sound Check feature itself, and a way for users to access it. The feature was released in production.
LTC Video Notes is a specialized note-taking tool for video producers
Keepsakes is an automatic journal that works with data you already have
The interface uses 3D layering and mouse gestures to reduce the amount of on-screen UI. This was my degree project in college. Read a little more about how it works and watch some demos.
Song Stories was a project to replace the Genius mobile song page
This was a nearly year-long project at Genius that went through two major iterations. I used Origami to create elaborate prototypes fed by JSON. Read more about the background for this project, and see both versions.
I made an Origami prototype that works like a real app
It uses the “network request” feature, which allows prototypes to send and receive data from APIs. This app connects to the Hue API and uses a custom proxy server. Read the details on how I did it.
I made a WYSIWYG image editor for Genius’ social media team
It has neat features like warnings for “out of bounds” and pixelated images. Read more about the problems this solved and how it works.